K is for Komputer!!! (is that spelled right?)
WAHOO!!! Everyone rejoice with me. Here we go. One. Two. Three. WAHOO!!!
I got my new komputer today and it is amazing. I never thought a computer could actually be FUN to use. Well, I thought wrong. I'm tempted to just stay up here all night and play around with it rather than going home to watch the Astros. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm a nerd. Yeah, well.......so? You're just jealous. Or I'm just a nerd.
Here is what I've been doing today while making major headway in the world of science.

I'm a big fan of "the Brain" look.
"It's Pinky...It's Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain!"
K is for KEEP BLOGGING. I'm getting tired of having to remind you.
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