Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I is for I heart my friends!

Seriously, I have the best friends ever. I was so lonely when i first moved to Houston. My BIOE grad class at Rice is predominantly guys, which is cool. I like guys, they're fun to hang out with. However, I really missed those close sister-like bonds I formed with my girlfriends at LSU. There's something special about girlfriends. To quote my friend Jennifer L,
"I do think women are confusing, especially to ourselves. We create a mystical world that only we live in. At least we understand each other, but we make it hard for others to really relate to us when it comes to meeting our needs."
That is so true and i couldnt have put it better myself. We are able to understand each other and meet each others' needs. We can be silly together and act like we're 14, but we can also open our souls to each other. I have made some great girlfriends here in Houston, and I hope that our friendships progress to that unbreakable bond.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Let's take a break from the alaphabet for a while

So I decided to take a break from the alphabet soup today. Dont worry, it'll be back.

I decided that since today is Good Friday, Jesus Christ would be the subject of my blog. Today is the day we remember the sacrifice that He paid for us. Many of us have heard the verse John 3:16 that says "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life." What does it mean that God gave his son?
We are all sinners. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
God is holy and He does not tolerate sin. We cannot enter into his presence while we are sinful. In the Old Testament, the shedding of blood per the sacrifice of an animal was necessary for the forgiveness of sin. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the ultimate sacrifice of sin. The actual sacrifice of Jesus tends to be watered down. Jesus Christ was crucified. This method of torture and execution was one of the most cruel in the history of mankind. He was arrested, beaten on the way to trial and given an unfair trial. The people demanded death by crucifixion. "Crucify him!" they yelled. What did he do to deserve this? Nothing. He healed the sick and blind and paralyzed. He raised the dead. They scourged Him beyond recognition. They beat him with bone and glass embedded leather whips to the brink of death. They mockingly shoved a crown of thorns on His head. He was paraded through the streets of Jerusalem carrying His own cross. On this march, He was spit on, mocked, people threw stuff at him. When they reached the hill of Golgotha, he was nailed to the cross. Nails the size of railroad spikes were pierced through his wrists and feet. The cross was set upright into the ground and there he hung, naked, humiliated, bleeding, suffocating, in the most excrutiating pain imaginable. While on the cross, He did not curse the people crucifying Him. Instead, He cried out "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) He hung on that cross for hours. When sunset, was approaching, he died.
He was placed in a tomb belonging to a man named Joseph (not Jesus' earthly father). On the third day, some women went to the tomb to pay respects and found the tomb empty. At first they may have thought that someone had stolen the body. But that would have never happened. The tomb of Jesus was so well-guarded by Roman soldiers (some of the baddest warriors in history) because they suspected that the disciples may try to steal the body and claim resurrection. They found the tomb empty and the massive stone rolled away. Angels appeared to them claiming "The One whom you seek is not here, for He is risen!" (Luke 24:6).
Jesus Christ, being 100% God and 100% man, was the only human being to live a sinless life. Because of his sinlessness, He was able to be the perfect sacrifice to cover the sins of all mankind. This is love.
The Bible says " If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." (Romans 10:9)
There is no way I am able to enter Heaven based on my own good works. I am greedy, selfish, imperfect, among other things. But Jesus Christ has shed His blood so that I may enter into the presence of God. I believe that and I have openly accepted His sacrifice. I have turned my life over to Jesus. Although I am far from perfect in my own deeds, I am seen as perfect in the eyes of God through Jesus Christ.
Praise God! He is Risen!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

H is for all of my Hair that's going to fall out as a result of this STINK!

So yesterday (I just realized that 99% of my blogs begin with the word "so"), I walked into my office expecting it to be a normal day, but no. I looked in the direction of my desk and there was a rather large wet spot on the carpet. This wet spot took up the space under both my desk and the one next to mine. I went to investigate the source of the problem. It turns out that someone had thawed the freezer in the storage room next to the office. Genius! So the whole floor in the storage room was wet and cardboard boxes were soaked through. Lovely! The maintenance guy came in and looked at it and said he'd get some people in here to pull up the carpet and put some fans in here to dry it out. Someone came by with a vacuum to pull up the water, but it wasnt very effective. We waited for the fans. And waited...and waited...and waited....and waited....and waited. Nothing. Crickets....
Today I walk in, having completely forgotten about yesterday's adventure. The smell hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. The carpet is still wet and it smells yummy!! It smells like a 4 week old dumpster that's been sitting in the sun for those 4 weeks solid. So if I end up dying from some strange mold toxin, you'll know why....

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

G is also for Goshdarnit my computer's dead again

I think I may cry. My computer is so dead. I need a new one but I dont have that kind of money right now.

G is for Giddyup! My computer's back!

So I thought my computer died yesterday. It was extremely disheartening. Turns out, it just went on strike. It went through this phase where it wouldnt boot up. My computer's 5 years old this summer. Maybe computers age faster than humans and 5 years old is when they go through adolescence.
It definitely does have an attitude problem.
It has acne. (I've lost three keys on the keyboard and am now left with the little rubber pimples that are underneath each key.)
It doesnt like to get up for school in the morning. (It takes FOREVER to boot up.)

I need a new computer.

Monday, April 10, 2006

F is for my First blueberry cake donut

OK, people. It has finally happened. Thanks to Scott, I FINALLY have experienced the blueberry cake donut. I was walking into Bible Study on Sunday morning, when he and I crossed paths. He mentioned that there was a present for me on the table in the room. "A present?" I thought to myself. Then I told myself "Self, dont get too excited, I'm sure it is a joke of some sort." Well, I walked into the room, and there on the table was a small paper bag with my nametag on it. I knew immediately what it was. Oh, the joy that ensued.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

E is for the Embarassing performance of the Tigers last night

I'm sad. LSU lost. Wait, no. We didnt just lose. We got embarassed. Slaughtered. Shut down. Denied.